Code Review
December 28, 2023
Testing Bash Scripts with BATS: A Practical Guide
Bash, the ubiquitous shell scripting language, is a staple in the toolkit of any developer, especially those working in a Unix-like environment.
By PullRequest
December 27, 2023
Embracing CarbonImmutable in PHP: A Shift Towards Reliable Date and Time Management
In the realm of PHP development, managing date and time effectively is crucial. A common approach has been using the Carbon library, a superb extension of PHP’s DateTime class.
By PullRequest
December 26, 2023
Using set -x and set -e in Shell Scripting: A Guide for Enhanced Debugging and Error Handling
Shell scripting is a powerful tool in any developer’s arsenal, enabling the automation of complex tasks in a simple, effective manner.
By PullRequest
December 21, 2023
Simplify React State Management Using Redux Toolkit
State management in React applications can be a challenging endeavor, especially when handling complex state logic. Redux, a popular state management library, has long been the go-to solution, but with its verbosity and boilerplate, developers often find themselves tangled in layers of repetition.
By PullRequest
December 20, 2023
Python Pitfalls: The Perils of Using Lists and Dicts as Default Arguments
Python, renowned for its simplicity and readability, occasionally hides subtle complexities that can lead to unexpected behaviors, especially for novice programmers.